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Live From the Internet!

by Kathleen Richards

Hey there, friends. I've only got one video for you this week. But within that one video is many videos. And within those videos is everything you could ever want to see or hope to understand.

I present to you all: old Estonian commercials.

What are these commercials for? What are they supposed to be about? I honestly have no idea, but I CAN'T. STOP. WATCHING.

But anyway, it's time for what you're really here for...the announcement of the winner of the infamous and famous GOLDEN COMPUTER AWARD. Ah, but let's take a quick gander at that prize one more time, huh?

My eyes! It's so shiny it's blinding me!

This week's winner is benjaminleebates for sharing this very scary Daft Punk video:

I've gotta be honest, I have seen and been scared by this video many many times in my past, but the real reason why I awarded you the GOLDEN COMPUTER AWARD is because I never knew that was Chucky in the video! Now I feel so much more justified in being scared! Congratulations, benjaminleebates! Also, thanks!

Wanna scare me? Send me something scary! Wanna make me happy? Send me something funny! Wanna send something? Then just do it, fool! I'm looking forward to all your links, gifs, and videos, brave warriors of the internet!