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Pieces of Crap Giveaways: Woot Lays It On With A Trowel At Facebook

by Jason Toon

There comes a time in every ecommerce site's journey through life when she must grit her teeth, roll up her sleeves, and get down to an unpleasant but vital task: getting rid of some of the sample products that seem to collect in every corner like cobwebs in a Victorian widow's decrepit mansion.

And so, in the grand Woot tradition of suckering our fans into doing our dirty work, we present Pieces of Crap! All this week, Monday through Friday, we'll be conducting mini-express-lightning giveaways of single items we no longer want and never needed.

How can you get a piece of the Piece of Crap action? Just "Like" Woot's main Facebook page and watch for the giveaway announcements in our news feed. We'll ignore the perhaps more pertinent question of why you would want to. As we always say at Woot, "Your personal problems are none of our business." Now get out there and enjoy the hell out of that crap!