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There Can Be Only Bun: Cinnamon Bun Recipes & Stories

by large duck

This week, we just want you to post your favorite cinnamon bun recipes OR your favorite cinnamon bun related story. Points if you can combine both. We'll go first:

One time my friend - let's call him Roger to protect his anonymity (his real name is Dan Holcomb) - wanted to make a batch of cinnamon buns but had no experience cooking anything. So he found a recipe online. Turns out it was for pot buns, but he was kind of a straight shooter and had no idea "ganja butter" was a pot thing. So he scours FOUR DIFFERENT GROCERY STORES before an employee tells him what 'ganja' means. As he tells it, upon hearing this bit of news, he heaved a great sigh, bought a 24-pack of cinnamon buns right, and went home. The story of Dan finally trying pot is great too, but that's for another pun-post-replacement blog in the future.