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Music Monday: Songs About Rain

by Scott Lydon

Happy Music Monday! Into every life, a little rain must fall. So you're gonna need some music.

Scott Walker - It's Raining Today


Scott Walker's voice is almost like a rainstorm all by itself. You can't really curse it or hide from it. All you can do is sit down and enjoy it as it washes over you. And then, when it's done, you kinda miss it.

More rain songs coming up after the jump. Leap over that puddle and come inside.

The Ronettes - Walking In The Rain


The trick to enjoying the rain is to share it with someone. Even if that someone is just a memory, it's still special.

Blossom Dearie - I Like London In The Rain


In case you haven't figured it out yet, rain and jazz are natural allies in the wild. Blossom Dearie was just made for a soft Spring shower. Trust me. I've tried it more than once.

Roxy Music - Rain Rain Rain


But rain doesn't always HAVE to be related to jazz! There can even be rock rain, country rain, new wave rain... the list is endless. This rain is the rain that creeps in while you're in the other room and then suddenly you notice that your car windows are down. Yeah. The jerk rain.

The Hollies - Rain On The Window


Rain is to be celebrated, not feared. Keep that in mind in the month to come. Relish those showers, people! Relish them!

Let your video choices rain down upon our comments posthaste. Also let us just remind you: some images come from the corresponding Wikipedia page and are here under fair use. See you next week.