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Live From the Internet!

by Kathleen Richards

Breaking news about videos that will help you waste time at work.

Welcome to Live From the Internet!

It's time to get in shape for the summer!


And if you don't think you can do it, just remember, you can totally do it.


Breaking news! Baseball is back!

Aaaand let's end the post on a nice, romantic note with some lovely wedding footage.

And now we crown the winner of the GOLDEN COMPUTER AWARD. Check it out!

It's so beautiful!


Our winner this week is Olcubmaster who has been crowned twice over and has won yet again with this cozy little internet hangout, where it's just super chill all the time. But honestly, guys, olcubmaster needs some competition. Post links! Post funny videos! You could win that lovely, shiny badge along with my eternal gratefulness for granting me a momentary reprieve from the persistent boredom that plagues my every waking moment. Do it for my sake. Also, because it's fun.