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March Fadness: THE WINNER!

by Sean Adams

And the winner of March Fadness is... Steampunk! I hope you top-hat wearing, goggle-ogling, old-timey-robot loving weirdos are happy! Your beloved fad took down the cute defenseless Beanie Babies handily, with a final score of 227-185.

Is it what I would have chosen? Nah. I was pulling for Tamagotchi, myself. But this wasn't for me to decide. The people have spoken and they love steampunk. So let March of 2013 hereby be deemed Steampunk Month! Every day, we will celebrate by looking at our pocket watches and wearing leather vests and flying to work in weird little helicopters that look simultaneously old and futuristic.

Oh wait, March is over? Whoops! Anyway, thanks so much to everyone for voting! I hope you guys had as fun playing along as I did organizing this thing!


Photo by flickr user Dave Williss, used under a Creative Commons License.