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There Can Be Only Pun: Punner's Choice II

by Amy Nance

Last week was our last theme provided by you, the punners. There was a pretty good turnout for it, and we want to thank goldilion once again for the idea. This month was an experiment, and we think it went pretty well. So we're going to keep milking this cash cow till it's all shriveled and dried up. Here's a reminder of what we need you to do:

  • Think of two topics that would make funny puns when mashed up (i.e. Candy and songs, celebrities and literature, presidents and movies.)
  • Write ONE example of your pun mash-up.
  • Post your theme ideas with your mash-up example.

We'll choose three more winners next week and pun from there.

As always, here are our faves from last week, (Bird Brains):

  • Larkimedes (guitarart)
  • Erwin Crowdinger (JDSardone)
  • Wrené Laennec (Aungethiem)

Honorable Mentions:

  • Gullileo Gullilei (daveinwarshington)
  • FibonaChiChi (pftpft)

Secret Pun:

Last week we mentioned that barkwoot had guessed our "secret pun," which was OREO Speedwagon. This week, a couple of you came close, but no one guessed the secret pun, NikOWLa Tesla.

What is the secret pun, exactly? Allow us to explain. Every week, we'll squirrel away one extra pun instead of providing it as an example. If someone guesses it, they win. Win what? A coupon for FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS! Unless ...

... no one guesses it, like this week. Then the value for guessing the secret pun the next week goes up to $10. If no one guesses it again, it'll go up to $15 the following week and so on and so forth. So it builds $5 every week until someone gets it, then we'll start all over again.

Anyway, congratulations again to barkwoot for guessing the first secret pun. Check your inbox for a PM with your $5 coupon code!