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Uh oh, Woot changed

by Wootbot

If you're like us, you hate change and want to burn the world down when anything looks or acts differently than what you're used to. With that in mind, let’s talk about the amazing changes that are happening at Woot! Here they are, as narrated by one of our favorite long-time customers, H. Clark “Clammy” Fiffelman:

 Clammy: “Bah! The category pages are all different! Why are you doing this to me?!”
It's true, Clammy, they are a little different. We did a lot of customer research and found out that people prefer pictures over words. So we replaced the boring ol' list of subcategories that looked like this:
With this!
Amazing, right?
 Clammy: “Well, I guess that's OK. I've been having a hard time with those words...”
How about this?
 Clammy: “Wait a minute, where are the categories? Why are you doing this to me?!”
We just moved them down a little bit, to try something different. This is our new spotlight image.
 Clammy: “You're making me scroll? You know I can't scroll! Why are you doing this to me?!”
We think it's a great way to let people explore more of the page and discover other amazing deals at Woot!
 Clammy: “Well I guess that's OK. I do like saving money...”
And that's what Woot is all about! Oh, and by the way, we got rid of our Kids and Fashion categories, and moved that selection into other categories.
 Clammy: “Well, that's—WAIT, WHAT?!”
From all of us here at Woot, we hope you enjoy the changes!
 Clammy: “Why are you doing this to me?!”