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PAX 2012: Anything That Gets Us Out Of Standing In Line

by Scott Lydon

PAX is one of those events that really can be hard to cover. Let me, Scott, sum up my experience in two photos:

I got there an hour early, as press. I had some time to wander around, play a few games I was asked not to photograph, talk to some people who told me it had to be off the record… and then at ten o'clock, the announcement was made. Welcome To PAX! About eight seconds later, gamers were everywhere, and the lines to test-play turned HUGE. So, after the jump, I'll be taking a look at all the objects of PAX. The art, the displays, the neat creations, an basically anything that didn't require me to stand in one place for more than an hour. See you inside.

Thankfully for me, PAX is much, much more than just video games. If it's a traditional nerd hobby, you can find it at PAX! For example, I was very impressed by this gamer's table.

A DM behind one of these is ready to lay down some SERIOUS authority. There's a place for the books, a place to roll the dice, a pretty decent metal cupholder, and on the side...

…room for more! Maybe that bottom drawer is for the sheets of the dead PCs?

I also found a a nice "museum" in one of the upstairs halls. Full of gamer art, such as this lovely sculpture, called "Anatomy Of A Creeper".

Strangely enough, right next to it was this Lego diorama. Sort of appropriate, don't you think? And yet, what a coincidence!

Y'know, I'm starting to think I might have just been in the Minecraft booth. But anyway, Just to the right of the Creeper, I found this Fairchild Channel F under glass.

I had never seen one in person before, and it's always interesting to see the skeletons of our ancestors. I wasn't allowed to play it, but I did throw a tennis ball at the wall, which pretty much simulates half of the Fairchild's games.

By now, I was kinda hungry. Thankfully, the nice people at The Walking Dead booth decided to have us all for lunch. Literally.

No, no, no, don't panic, those were just chicken legs with plastic hands attached, and everybody was in on the joke. It was pretty funny to see one entire floor suddenly look like a cannibal convention.

The Mustache Emporium was the site of my greatest tragedy. I bought a small wooden mustache monocle as a gift, and I somehow lost it before I got home. I wanted to hide my upper lip in shame, but I had no way to do it! So I did the only thing I could do: I took a picture of some dice.

It filled the void, I guess.

PAX coverage continues this weekend. Ask nice and maybe we'll tell you about the insanely large pile of Doritos in the Media Room.