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The Contest of Countries: Coolest Fighting Style!

by Sean Adams

It is Day 3 of the Contest of Countries Competing Competitively! That means there's only 24 more hours to vote on Best Sandwich, 48 left for Greatest Author, and 72 for today's category - coolest fighting style. Who'll win? THAT'S FOR YOU TO DECIDE! But first, let's meet the representatives:

Representing Japan, it's Jujutsu:

Representing Korea, it's Taekwondo:

Representing Ireland, it's bare knuckled boxing (Dornálaíocht):

Representing Brazil, it's Capoeira:

Representing Israel, it's Krav Maga:

Representing France, it's second hand smoke:

Representing the United States, it's passive aggression:


There they are, your worthy(ish) competitors! Now vote away! And don't forget to click SUBMIT!