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Live From the Internet!

by Kathleen Richards

Breaking news about videos that will help you waste time at work.

I mean, I've never wondered what an animal is but never bothered to find out before.


Speaking of animals, here's a great tv show about one of them that, tragically, never made it to air.


I don't believe these people have ever seen Star Wars before. Or dancing.


These days we can do incredible things with technology. This is not one of those things:


And now the winner of the illustrious GOLDEN COMPUTER AWARD!!!! Let's take a quick look at it, huh?

Oooooh. Aaaaaah.

Our winner this week is...cklun who, despite scaring me to death with these three videos, sorta convinced me that time travel is possible with this video:


I especially love that a bunch of the time travelers are using smartphones. Service is bad enough at my house in 2016! I doubt it was any better way back in 1992!

Feel free to grab that beautiful badge for yourself, cklun! And feel free to send me some cool videos or links if you want to grab one of those badges for yourself!