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Music Monday: Songs About Desserts

by Scott Lydon

Happy Music Monday! Everyone loves desserts, right? Even your favorite rock stars love desserts! That’s why it was so easy to assemble today’s tribute to pie. Cut yourself a slice, won’t you?

Led Zeppelin - Custard Pie


Like all things Zep, this song is technically either about women, drugs or hobbits. But just this once we’re gonna take it literally. Just for today, we’re pretending this song is about actual pie.

Remember, you can post any dessert-themed song in the comments. But you get bonus points if you can find a pie song Scott overlooked. See you after the jump! There’s pie!

D’Angelo - Devil’s Pie


If the devil made a pie, what do you think it would taste like? I suspect it would be chocolate. But a very dry chocolate. And you’d want some milk, but there would be no milk. And you’d be all “Noooooooo!”

Neil Diamond - Porcupine Pie


To be fair, you can probably find this dish at the local gourmet store between the Venison Cremesicles and the Marmotiramasu.

Warrant - Cherry Pie


Remember what we said about Zep up there? It takes a very special band to make them seem subtle and understated. Warrant even took things to the next level and made their song ala mode.

The Beatles - Wild Honey Pie


The only honey pie recipe we could find used farm-raised pork and leaf lard. That’s why we didn’t link it here. If you want to make a honey pie for your Thanksgiving festivities, you’re on your own.

Let us just remind you: some images come from the corresponding Wikipedia page and are here under fair use. See you next week.