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Sean University: Who's in the new?

by Sean Adams

Remember those toys that were robots that you could put together and make a bigger robot that capable of bigger and better things than each of the smaller robots? Well that’s what running a business is like, metaphorically speaking (or literally speaking, if you employ mostly robots). You have to put together a team of employees – through a rigorous interview and training process – who work well together and help keep things running smoothly.

But here’s the thing: you can’t just hire everyone at once. Your company will grow, and you’ll have to bring in new people. And unfortunately, unlike the aforementioned robots, they don’t always click easily into place. No, you have to work to integrate a new member into your team.

Well, luckily, we here at The Sean Adams University of Business Management Development Leadership know a thing or two about how to do this and therefore have plenty of tasty advice nuggets to hand-feed into your brain mouth of learning! Check it:

1. Keep the initial meet-up brief. On the first day, give the old employees just enough time to see and acknowledge the new employee before sending him home. 

2. Take all of your employees’ desks and put them right outside the new employee’s office. Likewise, move the new employee’s desk as close to the office door as possible. This way, the new employee and the old employees can smell and get used to each other without too many face-to-face interactions.

3. The old employees consider the office their workplace, and therefore will feel threatened by the newcomer. Don’t be concerned if there’s some hissing, scratching or low, guttural noises when they are approached by the new employee. These things are natural and will pass.

4. This is going to be a time of high anxiety for your old employees. They might do some out-of-character things. For example, they might stop eating, or tear apart their office furniture, or even miss the toilet.

5. It’s best not to expect work to resume as normal until at least two months after the new employee’s hiring, so if you’re bringing in someone, be sure to have some revenue stashed away to stay afloat.

6. This’ll all go way smoother if most or all of your employees have been altered.

That’s the advice we have! Now, if you have any questions, post them to the comments section below.