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There Can Be Only Pun: Fashows

by Kathleen Richards

Amy's out right now, but the pun must go on, as they say. This week we're going to be mashing up all our favorite clothing items with all our favorite tv shows. Or our least favorites. Or ones you feel ambivalent about! It's totally not required that you like the stuff that you make a pun with.

Some Examples:

  • Better Call Shawl
  • Full Blouse
  • The Shirtpranos

Since the secret pun is, you know, a secret, I can't tell you right now if anyone guessed it. It's a very secret secret. Even from the rest of us writers. But I assure you that Amy will be back soon to let you guys know if anyone gets to claim that coveted secret pun prize.

In the meantime, here's our favorites from last time (Celebritools):

  • Dustbin Hoffman (urhistory)
  • Russel Crowbar (Coogles)
  • Sander Bullock (kbajan)

Honorable Mentions:

  • Anne Latheaway (daveinwarshington)
  • Britney Shears (shyxgrl)
  • Judi Wrench (Coogles)
  • Macaulay Caulk-gun (Coogles)
  • Anvil Lavigne (bankernosaj)

Wow, Coogles, way to go. You really crushed it this week. But can you crush it again in the coming week? And did any of you guess the secret pun? Tune in to find out! Get punning everyone!