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Watch This First: NBC Fall Previews, 1983

by Jason Toon

Most people have always thought most TV was garbage. And they've been mostly right. But if you're under any delusion that TV used to be better, take a look at this promo for some of NBC's fall lineup 30 years ago. It starts with Real People (kind of the Tosh 2.0 of its day); follows the Facts of Life girls to college; and touts the "hit show everybody's talking about" - yes, the immortal We Got It Made. And that's before we even get to the orangutan scientist, the cut-rate An Officer and a Gentleman knockoff, and the sleazy TV movie about a woman who "gives her body to any man who'll pay the price." If you think TV is any better or worse now than in 1983, take note of the last face you see in this video and ask yourself what that guy's been up to lately.


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