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The Contest of Countries: Best Flat Bread!

by Sean Adams

We started off The Contest of Countries Competing Competitively with some bread-on-stuff-on-bread action: the Best Sandwich category. This time, we're focusing on bread itself, flat bread that is. So let's meet the representatives who will be competing for Best Flat Bread:

Representing Ethiopia is Injera:

photo from quinn.anya

Representing Greece is Pita:

photo from jeffreyww

Representing Mexico is Tortilla:

photo from SaucyGlo

Representing India is Naan:

photo from avlxyz

Representing The United States is Frybread:

photo from izik

Representing Isreal is Matzoh:

photo from robanhk

Representing Norway is Lefse:

photo from little blue hen

There they are! Now, you know what time it is! VOTING TIME! Be sure to click SUBMIT, and don't forget, Best Cryptid is still open!

All photos used under a Creative Commons License.