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It's Woot's 14th Birthday!

by Kevin, the Woot Intern



It's our birthday- and you're invited! is turning 14, so we're throwing a day-long SEVERAL-DAYS-LONG party. Get your party pants on! Here are some of things that are gonna happen:


Be ready for the big day! The party starts Tuesday, July 10th with ridiculously-good deals (so good we can't tell you what they are yet)! Get ready by signing up for a Woot account if you don’t already have one. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest birthday news and updates. And download our app for exclusive offers, and bonus surprises.

Click the relevant button below to download the right Woot app for your device:



What to expect on Thursday, July 12th

The 14-hour Birthday Edition Woot-Off will start at 8am CT and last till 10pm CT. Super-low prices on limited-quantity products, with some very special surprises thrown into the cake batter.



Score one of Woot's famous Bags of Crap

We've been assembling thousands of extra-crappy Bags of Crap to scatter throughout the site, our social channels, and the Woot app. We can't guarantee what's inside, but we can guarantee you will be disappointed. Oh, and we lowered the price from $10 to $9.99. YOU'RE WELCOME.



Special-Edition BIRTHDAY Bags of Crap

Each hour during the 14-hour Woot-Off, we'll release 14 specially-priced, limited-edition Birthday Bags of Crap. They are packed with extra crap, and a special certificate you can frame and hang on your wall. If you're into that kind of thing. And yes, they are limited to one per customer. But if you've gotten a regular BOC in the past, you can try for one of these...



$1 Prices? WTF?!?

Starting Thursday, we'll run one of our (in)famous WTF Pricing events every day through Monday, July 16. We list a product with extremely-limited quantities for $1, then keep raising the price and adding quantities over the next hour or so, until we're sold out. Yes, it's totally weird. Click here to learn more.



Do You Have a Phone?

Because you now have a reason to use it: WEEKEND APP CRAP! Our minions have been hard at work, sourcing truly weird and wonderful items, that will ONLY be available on the Woot! app on Saturday, July 14 and Sunday, July 15. And when we say Crap, you know what that means...



The Trailer of Crap

The what of WHAT?? You heard us, the Trailer of Crap. We have a towable, road-legal trailer that we're not using anymore, so we're putting it up for sale on our Birthday. One lucky sucker can purchase this one-of-a-kind Crap on wheels for the low, low price of...nooo, we're not telling you that until our Birthday. Stay tuned!